• Titan Slam

Titan Slam

Attention 91传媒 Students and Alumni!

You are invited to join the Department of Performing Arts and the 91传媒 Theatre Company for our 3rd annual Titan Slam – Monologue Competition!

$2,000 in cash prizes are available to our top performers in two categories.

This year’s theme is “BELIEVE”!  

The Department of Performing Arts & the 91传媒 Theatre Company invites 91传媒 current students and alumni from the University of Detroit, Mercy College, and the 91传媒 to participate in our 3rd annual Titan Slam Monologue Competition for cash prizes!

How to participate:

Prepare a monologue or song cut, up to 90 seconds, fitting the Titan Slam theme "BELIEVE!" A complete list of rules can be found below.

All students and alumni must perform in the preliminary round on September 30, 2022.

Registration for audition timeslots begins Aug. 26, 2022 and ends on Sept. 23, 2022.

Participants will need to provide a monologue or song name, playwright, and show information in order to sign up. 

Upload a headshot and resume to the Forever Titans website to connect with our 91传媒 Theatre Company Alumni network of students and professional artists.

Attend the Titan Slam Monologue Competition Preliminary Auditions on September 30 on campus in Life Science 113 between 5:30-7:30 p.m. and present your monologue or song to the judges.

Finalists will be notified on the evening of Sept. 30, 2022 and invited to participate in Titan Slam Finals on Oct. 1, 2022. 

Titan Slam Finals  October 1 at 3:30pm

Act One: Finalist perform

Intermission: Public voting during a free reception

Jaime Moyer ‘01, Marc Evan Jackson and Nancy Hayden

Act Two: Improv show featuring 91传媒 alumna Jaime Moyer ‘01, Marc Evan Jackson and Nancy Hayden

Act Three: Titan Slam Winners Announcement

Titan Slam Prizes

Prize levels

Current 91传媒 Student (any major): 1st place: $500; 2nd place: $300; 3rd place: $200 - Alumni, former Student or Professional Guest Artist: 1st place: $500; 2nd place: $300; 3rd place: $200

Sponsored by 91传媒 Alumni Relations

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  • 2022 Titan Slam Rules

    Click here to download PDF of the Titan Slam 2022 rules.

    Official Rules & Regulations  as of June 22, 2022 

    1. OVERVIEW: The Department of Performing Arts and the 91传媒 Theatre Company invite 91传媒 current students and alumni to participate in our annual Titan Slam Monologue Competition! $2,000 in cash prizes are available to our top three performers in two categories.  This event is sponsored by 91传媒 Alumni Relations.
    2. ELIGIBILITY INFORMATION: 91传媒 students and alumni are invited to participate in the 2022 Titan Slam.
    • COMPETITION CATEGORIES: The Titan Slam competition consists of two categories:
      1. Student
      2. Alumni
    1. COMPETITION THEME: Participants are asked to choose a monologue or song from a published play or musical that fits their interpretation of the Titan Slam theme.
      1. Theme for 2022: BELIEVE
    2. NUMBER OF ENTRIES: An individual may only enter one time in one category.  No individual can win more than one award in the same Competition.
      1. Registration for the preliminary round opens on August 26, 2022.
      2. Fill out the registration form online by September 23,  
        1. Students may register for a time slot for preliminaries on September 30, 3-5 p.m.
        2. Both Alumni and Students may register for preliminaries on September 30, 5:30-7:30 p.m.
    • Additional time slots can be added if you cannot make the designated times. Email hawkinsk@udmercy.edu for information.
    1. Attend the Titan Slam Preliminary Audition during your designated time on September 30 in Life Science 113 on campus, where you will perform your monologue or song for the judges.
    2. The top finalist will be notified by noon on October 1 and will be invited to perform LIVE at the Titan Slam Finals on October 1 at 3:30 p.m. in Life Science 113.
    3. Failure for finalists to show at the finals event entails forfeiture of right to compete. However, if time permits at the end of all other performances, we may allow you to perform at that time, at our sole discretion.
    4. LATE ENTRIES: Any entries received after the deadline will not be accepted.
    • RULES
      1. Prepare a 60-90 second monologue or song from a published play or musical. Monologues/songs exceeding 90 seconds will be cut off and noted by the judges.
      2. Monologue or song must be memorized.
      3. One monologue or song per participant.
      4. Monologues/songs must be performed in person during the Preliminary event to be eligible for Finals. No video entries will be accepted.
      5. Alumni participants must upload a headshot and resume to .
      6. Be creative and have fun!
        1. 3-5 p.m.: Student Preliminary Round
        2. 5:30-7:30 p.m.: Alumni and Student Preliminary Round
    • 7:30 p.m.: Homecoming activities on campus (not required for Titan Slam)
      1. noon-3:30 p.m.: Homecoming activities on campus (not required for Titan Slam)
      2. 3:30-6:30 p.m.: Titan Slam Finals and Improv show featuring 91传媒 alumna Jaime Moyer '01 & friends (with potential guests such as Marc Evan Jackson and Nancy Hayden) followed by the Titan Slam winners announcement.
        1. Act One: Titan Slam Finals
        2. Act Two: Improv show/audience voting
        3. Act Three: Titan Slam Awards
      3. A full schedule of Homecoming activities can be found at
    2. SCORING: Scoring will be judged based on several factors and are subject to change. Sample

    criteria may include:

    1. Character Development: understanding of the piece, emotional tone, portrayal of character, believability
    2. Vocal Work: dialect, enunciation/articulation, projection
    3. Physical Expression: confidence, thought-to-body connection, characterization
    4. Overall Effect: captures Attention, engaging, stage presence
    5. Overall Presentation: degree of difficulty, highlights a range of talent, clarity, level of preparation, memorization
    1. JUDGES
      1. Judges for the preliminary round will be current Acting & Directing faculty. Judges are subject to change without notice.
      2. Judging for the finals will be by audience vote and faculty vote.
    2. AWARDS: Awards will be given to the top three performers in each category.  Winners will be announced following their performances on Saturday, October 1.
        1. 1st place – $500 (student and alumni categories)
        2. 2nd place - $300 (student and alumni categories)
    • 3rd place - $200 (student and alumni categories)
      1. Good Sportsmanship, respect, and professionalism are expected from everyone who participates in and attends the Titan Slam Monologue Competition events, including performers, judges, friends, family, and audience members. Those not complying with this rule will be disqualified and/or subject to removal from the event.
      2. As with any physical activity, unforeseen accidents and or injuries can occur. Upon entering the Titan Slam Monologue Competition, it is agreed that all participants, parents, and/or guests will hold the 91传媒, its staff, judges, owners, partners, affiliates, and its host facility harmless from any accident, injury and or loss of property during any and all events.
      3. All performers, family, guests and audience members consent to the use of their photograph and or video likeness for use in future promotions and or advertisements of Titan Slam Monologue Competition.
      4. All scores and comments reflect the opinion of the Judges and not necessarily the opinion of Titan Slam Monologue Competition or the Department of Performing Arts faculty/staff. All Judges’ decisions are final without dispute.
      5. Some monologues may contain adult language and situations. While the Titan Slam Monologue Competition reserves the right to refuse any questionable monologue choice, we nonetheless wish to promote freedom of speech/expression. Therefore, viewer discretion is advised.

Who is judging this? 

Judges for the preliminary round will be current Acting & Directing faculty. Judges are subject to change without notice.

Judging for the finals will be by audience vote and faculty vote.

Winner Announcement:

The top finalist will perform live at Homecoming 2022 on Saturday, October 1, 2022 at 3:30 pm.

The top students and top alumni will receive cash prizes totally $2,000!

Titan Slam location:

TitanSlam map