FIRE Grants
Request for Proposals
91´«Ã½’s CETL is excited to announce Finding Innovation & Results in Education (FIRE) Grants for faculty. These funds can be used for applied practice or research of teaching, learning, and/or student support. Applications are encouraged from individuals or teams pursuing Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) 1; developing new or existing courses; implementing high-impact teaching practice(s) 2; improving student engagement/outcomes, especially related to underrepresented student populations; or creating Inter-Professional Education (IPE) 3/ Interdisciplinary 4 experiences.
FIRE Grant Objectives:
- Develop or incorporate high-impact, active-learning practices into courses/programs
- Improve assessment of student learning outcomes
- Improve course/program support and/or learning outcome strategies for underrepresented populations
- Develop IPE and/or cross-discipline experiences for university students
- Increase University mission awareness through the curriculum
There are two types of grants that are available, Spark grants and Flame grants.
Requires application
Spark Grants
- Up to $200
- Intended for small fiscal needs
- Rolling applications
- Reflection Report
Flame Grants
- $1-5k
- Larger projects/needs
- Application deadlines Sept 15 (and Jan. 15 if funds permit)
- Report & Sharing plan
To submit an application: please review the RFP Details and complete the Budget template as described in the RFP Details document. If you have any questions about submission or applications, please contact Michael Verdusco ( verdusmi@udmercy.edu or 313-993-1299)
[1] Prosser, Michael (2008) "The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: What is it? A Personal View," International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Vol. 2: No. 2, Article 2.
Available at: https://doi.org/10.20429/ijsotl.2008.020202[2] AAC&C High-Impact Educational Practices: A Brief Overview
AAC&C Chart of High-Impact Practices:
[3] National Science Foundation (NSF). What is Interdisciplinary Research? https://www.nsf.gov/od/oia/additional_resources/interdisciplinary_research/definition.jsp
[4] Olenick, M., Allen, L. R., & Smego, R. A., Jr (2010). Interprofessional education: a concept analysis. Advances in medical education and practice, 1, 75–84. https://doi.org/10.2147/AMEP.S13207