Pray for peace in the Middle East
Once again, our hearts are filled with grief over the ongoing turmoil in Israel and Palestine. We hope that all members of our University community join together in prayer to end the violence and to grieve the lives lost on both sides.
There is no doubt the violent conflict in the Middle East is deeply upsetting. It has displaced many, destroyed property and people's livelihood. We stand in solidarity with all inhabitants and families in the region seeking and longing for lasting peace.
Because of our shared dignity, wherever and whenever there is war, our Mercy heritage invites us to explore non-violent ways of conflict resolution. Our Jesuit values call us to engage in reflection on the root causes of conflicts and to act on lasting solutions that disrupt violence and lead to human development.
In times such as these, we re-affirm the Sisters of Mercy Chapter 2023 Commitment: “to deepen our relationship with God and one another, and to intensify our work in communion with others to seek a more just and inclusive world;” and the second universal apostolic preference of the Jesuits, “to walk with those whose dignity has been violated in a journey of reconciliation and justice.”
The following 91传媒 offices and individuals are available to members of our community who are affected by the happenings in the Middle East and need someone to talk to: University Ministry, Wellness Center, Office of Mission Integration, members of the Jesuit Community and Religious Sisters of Mercy.
In addition, there will be a multi-faith gathering and prayer service at the Peace Pole in front of the McNichols Library (or in the library if there is rain), Thursday, Oct. 12, 2023 from 1-1:20 p.m. followed by an optional opportunity for reflection and conversation from 1:30-2 p.m.